Author: adminq

Liang Ping felt a big mouthful of blood in his throat. And Fucheng suddenly burst out laughing wildly. "Ha ha ha!" "The power of the dragon seal is mine!" Language, "his hands clutching the grey thunder tail force a pull. "ding!" Liang Ping felt a sharp noise in her ear. The sound shocked the eardrum…

Ashes Town Auditorium Grey flocs still float gently like snow, filling every inch. With the passage of time, the flare in the town is gradually dim, especially in this place deep in the town, and the flare light is almost dim. However, there is no shortage of light here Pure as the dawn, the light…

Liang Ping was the first person to fall into the water, and his knee hit a sharp boulder, and he immediately opened a big mouth. "ah!" Liang Ping is stuffy hum a, although the pain is tearful, but look at the other children are scattered by the flood, and several people are involved in the…

Shen Jianing to react immediately. "Is that man a water mark?" God’s hands fell behind him, and the gray fur coat fluttered in the morning breeze and nodded calmly. "It seems that his strength can never be relegated to a crescent assassin." "What do you mean?" Shen Jianing suddenly felt that there was a profound…