Category: 桑拿会所

正文: 随着生活节奏的加快,人们对身心健康的重视程度日益提高,按摩作为一种传统的养生方式,越来越受到大众的青睐。在美丽的绿城南宁,一家独具特色的按摩店正诚挚邀请有志之士加入我们的团队,共同打造一个温馨、舒适、专业的按摩服务环境。 一、公司简介 南宁某按摩店成立于2008年,位于繁华地段,是一家集养生、保健、休闲为一体的专业按摩机构。我们秉承“以人为本,服务至上”的经营理念,致力于为广大顾客提供高品质的按摩服务。经过多年的发展,我们已拥有良好的口碑和稳定的客源。 二、招聘岗位及要求 1. 按摩师 岗位职责: – 为顾客提供专业的按摩服务,包括但不限于中式按摩、泰式按摩、足疗等; – 熟练掌握各类按摩手法,能够根据顾客需求调整按摩力度; – 保持良好的服务态度,热情对待每一位顾客。 任职要求: – 具备相关专业证书,有2年以上按摩师工作经验者优先; – 具有较强的沟通能力,善于与顾客沟通,了解顾客需求; – 具备良好的团队协作精神,能够适应快节奏的工作环境。 2. 服务人员 岗位职责: – 负责接待顾客,引导顾客进入按摩房间; – 协助按摩师为顾客提供优质的服务; – 维护店内卫生,保持环境整洁。 任职要求: – 高中及以上学历,年龄18-35岁; – 具备良好的沟通能力和服务意识; – 有相关工作经验者优先。 三、薪资待遇 1. 按摩师: – 底薪+提成,月薪5000-10000元; – 享有国家法定节假日休息及带薪年假; – 提供完善的培训体系和晋升机会。 2. 服务人员: – 底薪+提成,月薪3000-5000元; – 享有国家法定节假日休息及带薪年假; – 提供完善的培训体系和晋升机会。 四、联系方式…

The revolution and secondary construction in the future will be the mainstream, which will also generate enormous demand, which will greatly stimulate the industrial development and scientific and technological progress of big countries. But this is not sustainable. There is a limit to the needs brought by military conscription and national construction. If there is…

Blue girl said coldly, "I didn’t expect Guo Yi to die, but you lived well. I underestimated you as a stupid cow." "You said you were a stupid cow!" Green Newton burst into tears and shouted, "Ya Zun wants to fight you." "Ha ha! You fight me? I can kill you with one finger. "Blue…

Ashes Town Auditorium Grey flocs still float gently like snow, filling every inch. With the passage of time, the flare in the town is gradually dim, especially in this place deep in the town, and the flare light is almost dim. However, there is no shortage of light here Pure as the dawn, the light…

Shen Jianing to react immediately. "Is that man a water mark?" God’s hands fell behind him, and the gray fur coat fluttered in the morning breeze and nodded calmly. "It seems that his strength can never be relegated to a crescent assassin." "What do you mean?" Shen Jianing suddenly felt that there was a profound…

Liang Daochang’s face shows a smile. It is a little difficult for the little shark to find the flying car. But good long heart at this time is not very calm. It’s really beyond his expectation that someone can drive a speed car. According to the truth, there should be no one in this world…

"Did you make friends with a child named Nezha in Chentangguan last time you went down the mountain?" Quasi-mention asked. "Why, didn’t the last thing mean the master?" Yang Jian surprised way. Hearing Yang Jian’s words, Zhunti’s face flashed a trace of embarrassment and said, "Last time I sent you down the mountain, I didn’t…

At noon on the 14th, Yuan Li, a global cadre, combed into the Qinglian Gate, and on the same day, the fate of millions of merits fell. (End of volume) Chapter 25 downtown war The first abyss leads to hell. The foreign chief of Yinguang. com is in a hurry. How many strongmen dare not…